My Philosophy

Art can be many things, a way for an artist to express them self or provoke an emotion in others, a way to vent a political point of view, to show the world around us in a different light or simply to be beautiful. Art is neither right nor wrong, the only hope the artist has is that through the eyes of the viewer they experience what was originally envisioned.
It may be strange to say but, I didn’t develop my style, my style developed me. I started to draw things that I liked, but more importantly things that I enjoyed to look at when I was a child. From there it evolved because art is an organic thing, you add new ideas or remove the ones you dislike as you progress and for the sake of improved progression. A simple idea is an artists seed and with creativity it can grow but also like plants they will never flourish locked in a dark room, they need to be in the sun, shared with other people, their reactions whether positive or negative are important, to give the artist a sense of direction and possibly more ideas, for me I feed off people’s reactions, it gives me the motivation to continue with what I’m doing and trying to achieve with my art and as I do this professionally I suspect even my life.
Art is a passion and passion is an expression of yourself, a way to show the world something that is inside you whether you are aware of it while creating or not, each illustration I create is not only a very time consuming affair but it’s a page of “me”, something personal. From the simplicity of the black and white to the complexity of the details, with a twist of my humour. But what is magical about art is that to someone else it may mean something totally different, evoking a memory from their past or capturing a different part of their creativity.
The agenda with each of my creations is to capture the viewer with a glance, then pull them deeper into the picture with the many intricacies and maybe even make them smile while they do so. An artist whether illustrator, painter or even architect is essentially an illusionist, making the viewer believe that a few simple lines on a flat piece of paper or brush strokes on a canvas is something more tangible. I want my art to contain certain ingredients, in a similar way that other media such as books, films and games do for me, I want to be transported to another place, a slice of fantasy, somewhere I’d like to be, but still engaging enough to draw you further inside.